Bar chart Properties
Modified on 2016/10/10 19:42 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized
Left click on the Value column to configure BAR Chart properties for the contract selected.
Chart Type:
Left click in the value area to choose the chart type you want to create. Note you can also change this from the chart type drop down on your chart. You can choose from the below.
*Heikin Ashi
Advanced Data is required.
Advanced Data is required.
*Point and Figure
Advanced Data is required.
Bar Interval:
Choose the time interval you wish to set. EX: you can change to Tick,Tick Range, Volume Traded, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, or Month.
The “Ticks” interval means “trades". So a 200 tick chart cuts a new bar every 200 trades regardless of volume or price.
A “Tick Range” chart cuts a new bar based on price. So in a 10 tick range chart every bar would be the same height (10 tick prices).
A “Volume” chart cuts a new bar based on volume.
Close with Settlement:
Enabling it Allows you to close bars using the settlement price when possible. Otherwise bars are closed with the last trade price.
Session Time Range:
This allows you to filter out times on the chart. One example is to remove the overnight trading.
Color based On:
You can choose to display the color based on close vs open or close vs previous close.
Rising Color:
Choose the color for the rising bar.
Falling Color:
Choose the color for the falling bar.
Line Thickness:
Choose the thickness of the line. Minimum is 1, Max is 10.
Price Scale
Manually Adjust Scale Labels:
When enabled it allows you to manually adjust how labels are generated for the price scale.
Bar Chart
Horizontal Gridlines:
Display or hide the Horizontal Gridlines.
Vertical Gridlines:
Display or hide the Vertical Gridlines
Show Time Scale:
Display or hide the time scale for this chart.
Show Price Scale:
Display or hide the price scale for this chart.
Show Summaries:
Whether to display study summary values on the chart or not.
Detailed Summaries:
Whether study summaries contain extra detail information or not.